Join Daughters of the Goddess for our
20th Anniversary
Womyn’s Spiral Dance
Honoring the Ancestors & the Crones

Friday, October 21st, 2016
Orinda Masonic Temple
Marketplace opens at 6:30 PM, Ritual Begins at 7:30 PM
Craftswomyn – Drumming – Chanting
Dancing in Community
Bring your drums, rattles, and a picture of
an Ancestor for the Ancestor Altar
Tickets $23 in advance if payment received by October 17th;
$29 at the door. Student, Crone, and group discounts available if
arranged in advance. Girls 13 and under free: Teens 14-19 $5.
Please note: Spiral Dance is not included in the
newcomer package.
Send SASE and check or money order to:
Daughters of the Goddess
3527 Mt. Diablo Blvd. #353,
Lafayette, CA 94549
For more information call:
925-787-9247 or 925-787-9739
Directions: Take 24/Walnut Creek to the Orinda Exit, 9 Altarinda Road, Orinda
Daughters of the Goddess is a Dianic, Womyn-only
Goddess Temple dedicated in the Spirit of Aloha to the
preservation, perpetuation and promotion of Goddess culture,
public ceremony, ritual and Womyn’s Mysteries