
Daughters of the Goddess


Service Group Information

Kokua means “the Helping Hands”; the hands that come together to make the mission and visions of Daughters of the Goddess manifest.  Members of Kokua are responsible to one another, the group as a whole, as well as to Kahuna Leilani.

An essential concept of Kokua is that by contributing our personal Mana and time, we are each Pale Keiki (midwife) to this process of creating, manifesting, and maintaining our ongoing Aloha-Dianic spiritual community, Daughters of the Goddess. Pale means “protect or defend”, and Keiki means “child”.  Kokua members meet once a month to plan and hold space for the various projects, pilgrimages, rituals, and community work needed for the temple.

The various business and physical work required to build our Aloha-Dianic Temple and our community has been held lovingly through the years by many womyn.  We continue to grow and evolve as does our spiritual community.


Give back to Her if you want Her to give to you.
Don’t be selfish.  Don’t expect all and give none.
You have to be willing to surrender to all
She is giving to you!”
Janelle – Kokua sister
Kahuna Leilani


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