2017 Ancestor Keepsake


Soon the veil will be thin and we will come together again to dance the Spiral Dance in Sacred Sisterhood. Daughters of the Goddess Womyn’s Temple is having our annual Womyn’s Spiral Dance on Friday, October 27th, 2017 in Orinda, California.

We invite you to create a written piece to include in our Ancestor Keepsake. Is there a life and legacy of a person that has touched your world: a family member, a teacher, a mentor, an author, an artist, a musician, a dear pet? Have you experienced the crossing over of a loved one this year and want to honor their memory? Our Ancestors are the people who have passed on and the Keepsake is a publication where you can honor those who have touched or impacted your life.

The Ancestor Keepsake is a way to share our hearts, memories, and soul with our community. Each womyn who attends the Spiral Dance will receive a copy of the Ancestor Keepsake Booklet. You do not need to be in attendance to submit a piece and receive the booklet. The Keepsake is a Sacred document that we have been publishing for over a decade to celebrate our beloved Ancestors. In addition, this is
fundraiser for our biggest event of the year. Please show your support to your Temple and to our Ancestors.

There are three different sizes of entries to choose from:

A Whole Page entry for $75 with a maximum of 200 words.
Size: 7.5 inches high x 4.5 inches wide

A Half Page entry for $40 with a maximum of 80 words.
Size: 3.5 inches high x 4.5 inches wide

A 1/4 Page entry for $20 with a maximum of 40 words.
Size: 4.5 inches high x 2.25 inches wide

If you live afar and would like to submit a remembrance for the Ancestor Keepsake Booklet, we will be happy to mail you a copy.

Submissions of written pieces and payment are due on Friday, September 22, 2017!

If you have questions or would like more information, please contact Kealoha by e-mail at Kealohamoon@gmail.com.

If you would like to submit your piece via U.S. mail, please send it to Daughters of the Goddess, 3527 Mt. Diablo Blvd #353, Lafayette, CA 94549. If you would like to submit your writing via the Internet, please send it to Kealoha and send your check to the above address. You may also pay via Pay Pal at Leilani@DaughtersoftheGoddess.com.

We look forward to your participation in the 2017 Ancestor Keepsake Booklet. We offer praise and thanks to all of our Ancestors.

Blessed Be,

Kahuna Leilani