2019 Awehai


Aloha Daughters of the Goddess,

This Winter we have been blessed by the rains that have turned the hills of the Bay Area vibrant green.  When I look up the world seems to be filled with blossoming trees.  In this time of buds and blooms, it feels perfect to celebrate the Goddess of seeds Awehai.

Celebrate Awehai

Iroquois Goddess of the Earth/Sky, Harvest,
Tradition, Growth, Longevity & Community

Monday, March 4th, 2019, 7:30 pm
Waning Moon in Aquarius Sun in Pisces

Concord locale/Directions given upon RSVP
$30 one-time exchange / $15 newcomers

Awehai is an Iroquois Goddess of the Sky and the Earth. She originally lived in the Sky. As fell to Earth one day She grabbed all the seeds and animals, and landed on the back of a Turtle.  As Awehai spread all the seeds and freed all the animals the fertile Earth was created.  As She walked on this new Earth and continued to spread the seeds and animals it was filled with all of Her beauty and magic.  She created the Iroquois people to take care of the new world. Awehai is the Goddess of fertility, of growth and care of the community.

Awehai is the Goddess of family in the Iroquois peoples. One of Her sacred fruits is the strawberry. The strawberry has lots of seeds on the outside of the fruit, it represents the community living together. The Iroquois culture was matrilineal where the women were stewards of the land and were the clan leaders.

The Iroquois nation’s true name is Haudenosaunee meaning “people of the long house.” They live in the Northeastern United States and Eastern Canada. The Iroquois have had a huge impact on history. They have a long history of diplomacy and parts of the U.S. Constitution are based on the Iroquois Great Law of Peace.

In this time of starting seeds what you do you want to cultivate in your life that can bring you longevity and sustainability? Many of seeds and crops that Iroquois have been planting for generations have become extinct or hard to find. There is large effort in the U.S., and especially with the Iroquois Seed Stewardship program, to save seeds so all will have access to heritage plants. The reason that saving and cultivating heritage seeds is important is best described by Rowen White of the Native American Seed Sanctuary.  He said “When their seeds disappear, so do their ceremonies, language, songs, farming practices, and connections to their ancestors.” In this time of saving native seeds and indigenous ways, let us come together and remember as a spiritual community, to celebrate Awehai.

For the altar, please bring a green or yellow candle in a glass container. Please bring any images of Her, or Her symbols which are Strawberry, Turtles, Seeds, and Animals.

Please see our participation page for more information on attending our ceremonies.