Aloha Sisters,
We just welcomed in 2020 with a beautiful ceremony for Devera and swept in some powerful Magick for our Temple. Please join us on Imbolc for our Daughters of the Goddess Temple Dedication Ritual.
Celebrate our 18th Annual Temple Dedication &
Goddesses Artemis, Bridget and Haumea
Friday, January 24, 2020, 7:30 p.m.
New Moon in Aquarius, Sun in Aquarius
$15 first time/$30 regular exchange
Concord Locale/ Directions Given Upon RSVP
Daughters of the Goddess Temple Dedication Ceremony is a time to come together to commit and learn more about the Aloha Dianic Tradition for a year and a day. Our powerful Temple is a beautiful blend of Hawaiian Spiritual traditions and Dianic Witchcraft. It’s a time traditional at this time of year, to make and renew your Spiritual commitments.
Imbolc is a time for dedication, especially to your spirituality. We start to feel the change of weather and seasons as we celebrate hearth, home and the lengthening of days moving towards the early signs of Spring. Fire and purification are an important part of Imbolc. When hearth fires, bonfires, and candles are lit at this time, it is a representation of the return of warmth and the Sun with Her increasing power.
We will come together to celebrate three major Goddesses, Artemis, Bridget, and Haumea. Artemis is a Greek Goddess of the Hunt, Moon, Archery, and the Forest. Bridget is a Celtic Goddess of Health, Inspiration, Fertility, and Motherhood. Haumea is the Hawaiian Goddess of Fertility and childbirth.
Now is the time to learn more about our Temple’s Mission, which is: “Daughters of the Goddess is an Aloha-Dianic, Womyn-only Goddess Temple dedicated in the Spirit of Aloha to preservation, perpetuation and promotion of Goddess & Indigenous cultures, public ceremony, ritual and Womyn’s Mysteries.”
For this ceremony, we wear all white clothing and a head wreath/haku lei of greenery and/or flowers. Please bring a white candle in a glass jar that has been decorated for your dedication. This candle will continue the energy throughout the year.
There are quite a few preparation details that womyn will need in advance of the ritual. Please RSVP as soon as possible and no later than January 17th, 2020. Looking forward to dancing in the New Year of Dedication with you.
Please see our participation page for more information on attending our ceremonies.