Aloha Daughters of the Goddess,
What an interesting year its been. As we navigate this time of darkness, we walk forward with the love of White Shell Woman who has told us that All things around us are restored to beauty. And that is for us to find that beauty. Join us as we ride forward towards the coming Sun.
Riding into the Unknown
Epona ~ Celtic-Roman Goddess of Fertility
Protector/Patron of the Horse
Monday, November 30th, 2020
6:30 p.m. Pacific Time ~ Zoom ritual
Full Moon in Gemini, Sun in Sagittarius
$15 newcomer/$30 on going members
How do we move forward into the unknown of this new paradigm? Epona will show us the way, moving forward on our mounts, riding thru the darkness and into the Sun of the new dawning year and Winter Solstice. We’ve not reached the end of the tunnel yet, but we can see the light, it is there, a little glimmering flicker in the distance, but there it is.
Epona is a Goddess of the Horse, an animal sacred to the common pagan for its fertility, health, power, faithfulness. Depictions of Her are most often sitting, or laying, upon a Horse carrying a snake with corn in Her lap and a dog at Her side. Her worship was adopted into the Roman cavalry and military and so into the state. She is most known as a Roman Goddess, and the only Celtic deity known to have been revered and worshiped in Rome. Stories are told that She can be seen at a crossroads riding off into the West as the Sun rises. Join us as we stand at the crossroads, preparing to ride into the future, with the Blessings of Epona.
For this ritual please have a candle in a glass container that you can pick up, a glass of water ~ something to quench your thirst, and something from nature to connect you with the Earth.
To register please PayPal
The online Ritual led by Daughters of the Goddess Priestesses is intended for uplifting womyn through the power of spiritual community. The exchange is used for supporting your Temple and community and so your donation is final and is not refundable. Also, your donation may not be redeemed, nor may it be applied towards any other service, class, or offering. Thanks for your positive interest and participation in Daughters of the Goddess Online ritual community. We hope to see you in person soon.
Please see our participation page for more information on attending our ceremonies.