Aloha Daughters of the Goddess,
With all that is happening around us, and in the world at large, it is time to stand to make some changes. Time to see how we are to move forward in this new paradigm. It will be necessary to keep a watchful eye on ourselves and the powers that be so that the movement forward will be in the light and in a positive way.
Doorway to Freedom
Syn – Norse Goddess of
Watchfulness, Truth & Doorways
Tuesday August 18th, 2020 ~ 7pm
Zoom ritual session
New Moon in Leo, Sun in Leo
$25 per ritual/$15 first time visit
As the days of Summer shorten into Fall we need to be watchful and vigilant. Even more so with the elections that are coming up. We are being asked worldwide to look at the systemic racism that has been a part of the patriarchal culture that has been in power for hundreds of years. There are people, especially people of color, that are being held in jails and prisons in this country that should not be there. Reality is finally being seen; the blinders are coming off. So, we are being asked to look inside and out. Are there things within yourself that are tying you up and keeping you from moving forward? Have you or someone you know been falsely accused of something? Does the truth need to be told and brought out to release those (or us) from the bondage of lies and falsehood? Are there boundaries that need to be created or bolstered up? Syn can help us with is all of this. Freedom is calling!
Syn is a Norse Goddess and serves as one of Frigg’s handmaidens. She stands guard at Fenislar, Frigg’s palace in the marshlands and is associated with watchfulness, truth and doorways. She has great defensive strength and refusal and shuts the door, permanently if needed. Syn is the Goddess of vigilance, refusing entrance to anyone who is not invited or those who are unworthy. In trials She guards against anyone who tries to make use of falsehood exposing their lies – there is a Norse saying, “Syn is set against it”. Syn is also prayed to in order to guard and ward a space from negative people and energies. Some people hang a broom over the door as Her symbol. She helps us to ward our own boundaries too, and to stand up for what is right, especially if it means saying “No” to someone, and especially if it is someone to whom it is personally painful to say “No”. Syn is also prayed to in order to keep one’s oaths, as an oath is a closed door that should not be transgressed.
For this gathering please create a small altar with a candle (in a container so you can pick it up) that you will use for New Moon Wishes, a flower and a glass of water. Also please have available a pen or pencil, paper, a small bowl, and your house broom or a ceremonial broom if you have one.
The online Ritual led by Daughters of the Goddess Priestesses is intended for uplifting females through the power of spiritual community. The exchange is used for supporting your Temple and community during this time and so your donation is final and is not refundable. Also, your donation may not be redeemed, nor may it be applied towards any other service, class, or offering. Thanks for your positive interest and participation in Daughters of the Goddess Online ritual community. We hope to see you in person soon.
Please see our participation page for more information on attending our ceremonies.