Aloha Daughters of the Goddess,
I’m so glad that the light is returning, the sun is shifting, and the light is different. The golden light the comes slowly creeping up, growing stronger as the sun peeks over the horizon in the morning. Between the rains the puffy clouds in the sky are often such beautiful colors of white, gold, pink and purple against the beautiful blue as the sun is setting. Such wonders are there to see, I hope that you are taking a few moments in the day to celebrate and embrace the wild free beauty that is around us. We are gathering the spirit of the She Wolf and calling together the pack. Let’s Howl to the Moon.
Gathering the She-Wolf Pack
Sunday, February 28th, 2021
7-9:30 pm – Zoom ceremony
Moon in Virgo, Sun in Pisces
$25 per ritual/$15 first time visit
Wolves and womyn are intimately tied together with so many things in common. So much of what the Wolf is, womyn is. The family, the commitment to our packs, the tenacity and courage, the strength and endurance that it takes to keep going, the way that we pace ourselves (even if it doesn’t feel so sometimes) so that we can continue on. And our intuitive abilities. We have varied and extensive ways of communicating. And yet there are so many things to learn from our friends the wolf and their pack that we can incorporate into our world so that we may grow stronger and more resilient. There are many Goddesses that are connected to the wolf: Artemis, Leto, Morrigan, Skadi, Diana, Medeina, Isis, and more. And they are celebrated all over the world with stories of the wolf in North and South America. The Japanese, Inuit, Baltic, Senegalese, Mongolian, and Turkish all have myths of the wolf.
Wolves are the icon of the wild spirit; they are the true spirit of the free and unspoiled wilderness. They are friendly, social, and very, very intelligent. Their commitment to family/community, to their pack, is strong and their loyalty fierce and unparalleled in the animal kingdom. They have a well-defined social structure with an alpha female & male leading the pack, so there is a hierarchy, and yet they are very democratic with every member of the pack having an important place that is known and appreciated. It is well known that all members of the pack help with the feeding and tending of the pups, and the elders are cared for as well and are often the teachers of the young while the others go for the hunt. With everyone doing their part the pack remains strong, viable, and growing.
Wolves do not fight unnecessarily and will often go out of their way to avoid it. They are extremely strong and powerful animals and yet disagreements rarely end in fights. They have a very complex system of communication that ranges from body language and posturing to a whole intricate system of verbal communication. They whimper, whine, growl, bark, and howl – they are very expressive and communicate deeply with each other with their voices often reaching out over the miles to connect. They are known for their endurance and stamina that enables them to travel great distances. They do not have the blazing speed of a cheetah that only last a short period, rather they keep a steadied pace for hours at a time covering miles without tiring. And they are very much creatures of the night and the moon. Such amazing beings our family of wolves.
In this ceremony we will come together to embrace the amazing magic that is the Wolf. To explore their gifts and how we can more incorporate it into our lives. We womyn are beings of the Moon and the night as are our Wolf family. Join us as we come together to open and expand, to dance and play, and to hooooowwwwwwlllllllllll in the night and to our blessed Moon. For this ceremony, please build yourself a little altar. Have a candle of any color, some sage/smudge/incense, a small bowl of water, any representation of Wolf, and bring a little of the wild with some greenery, flowers, small branch whatever that means to you.
To register
The online Ritual led by Daughters of the Goddess Priestesses is intended for uplifting womyn through the power of spiritual community. The exchange is used for supporting your Temple and community during this time and so your donation is final and is not refundable. Also, your donation may not be redeemed, nor may it be applied towards any other service, class, or offering. Thanks for your positive interest and participation in Daughters of the Goddess Online ritual community.
We hope to see you in person soon.
Please see our participation page for more information on attending our ceremonies.