Aloha Daughters of the Goddess Community,
At our Persephone ritual, I looked around to see our Temple Townhouse full of smiling womyn, engaged with each other and connecting to the Divine Feminine; talking, dancing, drumming, laughing – being in community with each other.
I am writing to tell you how amazing and fulfilling it is to be able to bring this kind of womyn’s community together and invite you to invest in the future of our work together.
Twenty-six years ago I founded this Temple in my backyard, weaving both my Native Hawaiian Lineage and Master’s degree work. A truly profound weaving of where I come from and what I am here to bring to those who gather in this temple. We are rooted in the Aloha-Dianic tradition, honoring the Wheel of the Year, preserving indigenous culture and Female Mysteries. So many of you have told us that this weaving has been so nourishing for your lives – whether you could join us in person or not.
Over these many years your support and presence has made this dream possible for all of us. Even throughout the difficult last two years of the global pandemic, we have proven that we are stronger together.
Now that we can gather again it is time to share with you about how we can continue – so if Daughters of the Goddess matters to you – and this sacred feminine work – this is the time to honor that through your contribution. We are asking for the favor of your attention to this communication.
We are calling upon the community that has made the Temple rich with their energy over the years and the joy of the Goddess to gather in resources. Will you join us? Letting us know what it has meant to you?
As you can imagine with the pandemic – and the economic uncertainty – the ways we used to support our vision have shifted dramatically. Truly Daughters of the Goddess is a labor of love in the feminine way – where we together as the community continue to make this work come to life. For 26 years we have been self-sustaining and when gatherings weren’t able to cover, Patrice and I made it happen through our own resources. Many women’s organizations are sustained by the love of the women in leadership – donating their time to bring the work forward.
It is time for a new way of being, where the work is sustained by the community in new ways. It is challenging, and exciting to find our way.
Our goal for this fundraiser is to raise $50,000 to stabilize and rebuild as we move forward into this new paradigm. A gift from you will help us keep the Temple open and operating. Is that important to you? We appreciate any amount you can contribute, no matter how earnest or small, your contribution matters.
Some womyn in our Temple community give monthly tithes. If you would like to choose to donate a monthly tithe, a set amount paid each month to the Temple for 12 months, the minimum donation is $30. Though larger amounts are appreciated. By paying monthly, you are welcome to attend all of our rituals. If you prefer a one time donation here are our gratitude/mahalo gifts:
$150 – $500: a sacred ritual crystal/stone blessed in ceremony and our Mahalo/gratitude from the heart
$500 – $1000: a blessed Daughters of the Goddess candle, a sacred ritual crystal/stone and attendance at a ritual
$1001+: a blessed Daughters of the Goddess candle, a sacred ritual crystal/stone, attendance at a ritual and your choice of a 60 minute massage with Leila or a reading by Kahuna Leilani
You can make donations through PayPal (, check, cash or by using our tithes. If you can’t give, but still want to support our cause, please share this email with your friends, family, community members, and co-workers.
With more womyn aware of our Temple and ritual offerings, we will be closer to reaching our goal and providing blessings to more womyn. The Daughters of the Goddess provides a spiritual refuge for womyn and has helped bring us into connection. We are transforming lives and building brighter, stronger, empowered women – none of this magic is possible without your support. The Daughters of the Goddess thanks you deeply from our heart.
Mahalo/Thank you and blessings,
Kahuna Leilani
Daughters of the Goddess – – 925-787-9247
If by check, please make it out to Daughters of the Goddess and send to:
Daughters of the Goddess
3527 Mt. Diablo Blvd., #353
Lafayette, CA 94549
Paypal to Please be sure to send via friends and family and note for Donation.
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