Aloha Daughters of the Goddess,

The rains are slowing here in Northern Cali and we are surrounded by the lushness of green rolling hills. The next ceremony we have the honor of our Mayan Priestess Lorena Oceguera Tamayo sharing her culture and wisdom. Please join this special treat!

Celebrate Itzpapalotl Aztec Butterfly Goddess
with Priestess Lorena and Kahuna Leilani

Thursday April 20th, 7 p.m. to 9:45 p.m.
Crescent Moon in Taurus

$25 ongoing exchange/$15 first time newcomers
RSVP for ritual locale

She is a fierce Butterfly Goddess. She was a female warrior with the appearance of butterfly wings that look like a stone blade, along with skeletal head and claws. Itzpapalotl is one of the butterfly Goddess’ names that means ‘clawed’ butterfly/ or ‘obsidian butterfly’.

Itzpapalotl has flint-tipped wings as one of Her weapons, along with Her Jaguar claws and feet with Eagle’s talons. She is a Shamanic Goddess and powerful sorceress. She is a shape shifter. One of Her offerings is menstrual blood, and She also shares the spirit of the deer and is accompanied by two Guardian snakes. She is a symbol of rejuvenation and regeneration.

Itzpapalotl is the protector of midwives and women in labor. She governs the souls of children and women. In Her land Tamoanchan, there is a Suckling Tree, which has 400,000 nipples. It allows children to suckle and gives them strength to prepare for re-incarnation.

Join this ritual to claim your warrior side and to call forth justice for yourself and our world. Please bring any images of Her to the altar. Butterflies, items of protection, eagle, snake, deer imagery.

If you are interested in participating in our ritual please see our participation page.   Mahalo


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