Aloha Daughters of the Goddess,
I love this time of year with the longer days, and the warming of Sun. Walks in the park have turned into a bird wonderland with all of the goslings and ducklings of various ages. It was wonderful to celebrate Juno by feeding Her birds. And now we turn toward the beauty of Summer Solstice, come and join us in the celebration.
Celebrate Summer Solstice
& Sekhmet, Egyptian Sun Goddess
Tuesday, June 20, 2023, 7pm – 9:45pm
Moon in Leo, Sun in Gemini
$25 ongoing exchange/$15 first time newcomers
RSVP for ritual locale & directions
Blessed Summer Solstice. It is the longest day and shortest night of the year. From this point forward the days get shorter, the nights longer. It is a time of the Mother at Her fullest. Fullness of strength, sexuality, and fertility. The crops are in full bloom now, or just past blooming, and the grains are growing their stalks standing straight and tall. The harvest is coming but is still some time away. It is the midpoint of the growing season.
Sekhmet is the Egyptian Goddess of the Sun. Her name means She Who is Powerful, Mighty One, or Powerful One. And so, She personifies the active and powerful aspects of the feminine. She is usually portrayed as a woman with the head of a Lioness. Sekhmet is the ‘patron’ of physicians and healers. She is also seen as a “destructive Goddess.” But Sekhmet’s actions are always the right action. She only destroys when it is appropriate, never chaotic or random. Always what is needed. She removes threats and punishes those who do wrong against Ma’at.
Summer Solstice is the time of women, dancing in the light of the Sun and Moon, and in our power. It is a time for calling in what we want, aim high and reach for the Moon. Come and join us this beautiful High Holy Day and celebrate. For the altar please bring a candle the color of the Sun, any images of Sekhmet, lions, and representations of what you are reaching for.
If you are interested in participating in our ritual please see our participation page. Mahalo
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