Prepare for Progress!
with Yeye Teish & Kahuna Leilani
~Aloha and Ashe~
Prepare today and preserve tomorrow! We will learn about how to make powerful moves forward so that all that we have worked for is in tact for today and preserved for future generations. Don’t Panic-Prepare
We are continuing our journey with Cultivating Kinship calling those committed to honoring Mother Earth, the Ancestors, elders, people of color, political activism, and decolonization.
Spirit Leaders: Yeye Teish, Iyanifa and Kahuna Leilani Birely
Saturday, January 21, 2023
10:30 a.m. -3:30 p.m., Pacific Time
10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m./First Session 12:30 – 1:3o Lunch Break;
1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m./Second Session
Sliding Scale: First or Second Session $45-65/All Day-Both Sessions $75-$100
If you can pay it forward for another let us know
Scholarships up to 50% may be available upon
written application.
Please join this special day to gather and commune around the events
we are experiencing as a World Village. This session will be held in
Sacred Space and also be facilitated by Spiritual Leaders Luisah Teish
and Leilani Birely. Join us for a transformative day.
To Register: Please Pay Pal (link is below)
Pay Pal using address
and include Prepare for Progress and your current email address in notes/description
section that you want to have information sent to.
or send Check to
Daughters of the Goddess
3527 Mt. Diablo Blvd. #353
Lafayette, CA 94549
The online Prepare for Progress session led by Yeye Luisah Teish & Kahuna Leilani Birely is intended for uplifting people through the power of spiritual community. Your donation is final and is NOT refundable. Also, your donation may not be redeemed, nor may it be applied towards any other service, class, or offering by Yeye Teish or Kahuna Leilani. This online ritual is a LIVE ONLINE GATHERING only. Therefore, there shall NOT be a recording/replay available for registrants/participants following the event. Thanks for your positive interest and participation in Prepare for Progress.
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