Aloha Daughters of the Goddess,
Happy Summer! We just celebrated the longest day of the year with a dynamic and fun Ritual for the Goddess Athena and the 21st Anniversary of Daughters of the Goddess Temple. With warm Summer nights and the beginning harvest of fruits and veggies, this is the perfect time of year to celebrate White Shell Woman.
Celebrate White Shell Woman
Navajo Goddess of the Moon/Night,
Agriculture, Water & Water Animals
Monday, July 3rd, 2017, 7:30 PM
Waxing Moon in Scorpio, Sun in Cancer
Concord locale/Directions given upon RSVP
$30 or $15 for first time attendee
See participation page for series packages
White Shell Woman is the Goddess of magic, spirituality, freedom, hope, success, protection, joy and dreams. Yolkai Estasan, Yoołgaii Asdząąn White Shell Woman, also called Turquoise Woman and Abalone Woman, is a Navajo Moon and Ocean Goddess. She is a primordial creator Goddess who formed humans from ears of corn. She gave the Navajo people bountiful gifts, which include shells, corn and other food-bearing plants. She gave us the animals, rain and beautiful flowers.
White Shell Woman is a Goddess of the Moon, of the changing seasons and time. At dawn, She becomes young again to start the new day with hope, abundance and beauty. She is the sister or the younger version of Changing Woman and many of their stories are intertwined.
She was born from a rainbow abalone shell. When She arrived a rainbow appeared, banishing sadness with the promise of eventually reuniting humankind with the Goddess. White Shell Woman came to the Earth bringing elemental blankets and the sunshine of protection, dreams and renewed hope. She renews this promise to us each day with the dawn.
A Navajo chant says:
“All things around me are restored in beauty.”
It is because of White Shell Woman that this is so, and it is because of Her teachings that we can experience the exquisite harmony that comes from being alive on our beautiful Earth.
Look at your own life and the world around you, find those things that you want to be restored in beauty. Is it with your relationship to the Earth? Is it your attitude about things that frustrate you in your life? Is there anything you want to see restored in beauty? Are you working towards change in the world? Come to Her Altar to pray and work in Sisterhood to transform all things to beauty.
For this ritual please bring a white candle, or a candle any color of the rainbow. For the Altar, please bring any of Her symbols which are: eagles, shells, corn and rattles.
If you are interested in coming to a ritual please see our participation page for more information.