Aloha Daughters of the Goddess
I hope you are all faring well thru all of this shelter-in-place, hang out at home, isolation that is going on. I hope you are staying healthy and as happy as you can. As we move forward we need to find new ways to connect for the time being. So . . . . come and join us on the energetic internet web to celebrate Harmonia.
Celebrate Harmonia
Greek Goddess of Water, Health, Healing,
Fate & Intelligence
Thursday, April 23rd, 2020 ~ 7:30PM
New Moon in Taurus
Virtual ritual – location everywhere
$25 exchange
Harmonia is the Greek Goddess of Harmony and Concord, of Water, Health, Healing, Fate, and Intelligence. She is also considered one of the Mothers of the Amazons. She was a daughter of Ares and Aphrodite and as such presided over both marital harmony, soothing strife and discord, and harmonious action of soldiers in war. Late Greek and Roman writers sometimes portrayed her as harmony in a more abstract sense–a deity who presided over cosmic balance.
Until we can meet again in person, which I hope will be very soon, we will be gathering on Zoom for this virtual healing ritual. If you are interested, please contact Kahuna Leilani as soon as you can so that we can send you the link and instructions to join in. Please send in your $25 exchange to Kahuna Leilani at
For this ritual, please wear a shirt with a fun saying or logo, something physical that represents what you are birthing during this time and have a lit candle near you. In order to provide a safe container for this ritual, please find a quiet and secluded place in wherever you are sheltering.