Aloha Daughters of the Goddess,
I’m not sure where you are reading this from, we are located in the San Francisco Bay area. And today I am celebrating that we actually had a quick (about ½ hour) of a gentle, blessed rain. It is so wonderful to smell the Earth freshly dampened by the water from above and it has been a really long time. Interesting that we are now being called to journey to the desert of Egypt to commune with Selket.
Selket Egyptian Scorpion Goddess
of Family/Tribe, Immortality & Rebirth
& Lunar Samhain
Thursday, November 4th, 2021
Zoom Ritual ~ 6:30 to 9:00 p.m.
New Moon in Scorpio
To Register please PayPal
Please put “Selket” in the notes section with your current email address
$15 newcomers/$25 exchange for ongoing supporters
Selket is an ancient Egyptian Goddess depicted as a tall woman with a scorpion on Her head. She was worshipped all over ancient Egypt because of Her protective qualities. She rules over all poisonous creatures, especially scorpions, spiders and snakes. Selket embodies both the venom and the antidote and holds the secrets of poisonous venom and their antidotes. Most of Her devotees were healers. She was revered for giving both the kiss of death and the breath of life. She is also the protector of women in childbirth. Her protective qualities did not only cover life but also death and the afterlife as well. She is also known as the “Lady of the Beautiful Tent” or “Lady of the Beautiful House”, which is a reference to Her as protector of the embalmer’s tent. Her magic came from knowing the land and its creatures, understanding the roles of life, death, and rebirth.
Lunar Samhain is the ending and beginning of the year cycle and is often called the “Witches’ new Year. It is a time to start new by descending into death to be reborn. The veils are the thinnest at this time between the living and the dead and a time of possible connection with those who have crossed over. We celebrate our ancestors, our Crones. We look into the darkness of Winter with all of the gifts this dark time has to offer, and the knowledge that the sun will return to shine light on the growth and change.
Come and join us, travel to the deserts of Egypt, commune with Selket and hear Her voice. For your altar please have a candle the colors of the Sun, any images of the Selket or scorpions.
Daughters of the Goddess is an Aloha-Dianic, Female-only Goddess Temple dedicated in the Spirit of Aloha to the preservation, perpetuation and promotion of Goddess and Indigenous culture, public ceremony, ritual and Female Mysteries.
The online Ritual led by Daughters of the Goddess Priestesses is intended for uplifting females through the power of spiritual community. The exchange is used for supporting your Temple and community during this time and so your donation is final and is not refundable. Also, your donation may not be redeemed, nor may it be applied towards any other service, class, or offering. Thanks for your positive interest and participation in Daughters of the Goddess Online ritual community. We decided to keep the online zoom rituals so that we can continue to connect with our sisters from afar.