Aloha Daughters of the Goddess!

Lets get together and celebrate the power of our womynhood and our cycles.  Gather ourselves together so that we might walk into the light of the coming Winter Solstice prepared.   Let’s find our strength/power, joy and compassion, for ourselves and others.

Celebrate Maeve
Irish Goddess of Sovereignty, War,
Love/Sexuality & Magic

Monday, December 4th, 2023, 7:00 p.m.
Waning 1/2 Moon in Virgo
Concord locale/Directions given upon RSVP

$25 exchange / $15 newcomer
RSVP for ritual locale & directions

Maeve is a warrior Goddess of Ireland, and one of the Queens of the Fairies.  She is a Goddess of sovereignty, fertility, personal power and the Earth. She ruled over and was worshiped at the Hill Of Tara which was once the ancient seat of power in Ireland.  142 kings are said to have reigned from the Hill of Tara.  The kings would ritually marry the Goddess upon the Hill where She would bestow Her sexual gifts upon them, and thru this ritual they could claim their sovereignty over the land.  This hill is a sacred dwelling place for the Goddesses and is considered the entrance to the other world where the faefolk live.

Maeve is a confident and strong warrior Goddess, and She celebrated Her womanhood.  Battles that She participated in would stop during the time of Her menstruation.  She teaches us to celebrate and honor our Moontime, our sacred cycles.  Maeve does not dwell in the negative aspects and moves forward always being in the present moment.  Maeve teaches us to not make excuses for why certain things happen, learn to accept things for the way they are and move on strong and true with a plan of action. She teaches us, shows us how, to become a warrior in our own lives.

Let us stand together and embrace our sovereignty, celebrate our connections to the Moon, and our cycles, and our sacred female power.    For this ritual, please bring a white candle in a jar or container.  Also bring any representations of Her.  Maeve’s themes are fairies, magic, protection, leadership, and justice (law).  Her symbols are birds, bulls, and gold.

If you are interested in participating in our ritual please see our participation page.   Mahalo


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