Aloha Daughters of the Goddess,
This summer has passed so quickly. Its been hot for sure, the vegetables and fruits are loving it, and so am I. It’s time for the harvest with the bounty of the Earth ready for picking. Let’s celebrate together.
Celebrate Fall Equinox &
Grandmother Spider Woman
Sun in Libra, Waxing Moon in Scorpio
Friday, September 22, 2017, 7:30 pm
Concord Locale, Directions given upon RSVP
$30 one time exchange/$15 Newcomer
Fall equinox is the second of the yearly harvests, it is also a time of equality and balance with the day and night being of equal length. Time to harvest those things that we have been nurturing over the year, and composting those that did not come to fruition or no longer serve us. Put on those coveralls and head out into the orchards and gardens, both external and internal. It is also the Witch’s Thanksgiving, giving thanks to the Earth and creator for Her support and love.
Grandmother Spider Woman is one of the great Goddesses of the First Nations peoples. She is celebrated in the Pueblo, Navajo/Dine, Hopi and Cherokee tribes to name a few. All believe that She is the creator of all, the center, the source. She is the common force uniting all nations, tribes, peoples, and realities come together in Her web. Through Her comes the Earth, the Sun, the Moon, and the Stars. All things She created through Her thoughts.
Come and celebrate your harvest, your victories, the time of balance, and Grandmother. What is in your harvest, what are you composting? What are your victories, accomplishments? How is the health of your body, mind and spirit? What web are you a part of, and how does that tie into the universal web? Do you have compassion for others, do you reach out? Come and celebrate the beauty of you, the beauty of your sisters and brothers, the beauty of this Earth that we are a part of.
Please bring a candle in a glass jar or container. For the altar, please bring any images of Grandmother Spider Woman, webs, spiders, weaving, dream catchers. She is the giver of many womyn’s crafts such as spinning, embroidery, quilting, weaving and pottery so if any are crafty please bring some of your gifts for the altar. As we are celebrating harvest please bring some of the harvest from your gardens if you have them, or other seasonal produce such as corn, squash, tomatoes too. In honoring of First Nations traditions we will be having a give away. Please bring something that you own (no need to go out and buy something) that you will place on the give-away blanket. Wrap it in some way so that it can be a surprise.
If you are interested in participating in this circle please see our participation page.