What a beautiful time of year, there is a specialness to the light as it shines thru the clouds. Lunar Imbolc is the half-way point between Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox. It is a time of rebirth and renewal. The Earth is beginning to emerge from Her Winter Hibernation. The seeds are starting to peak above the darkness of soil, as we are coming out of the dark and into the Sun. Join us for a celebration of Lunar Imbolc and Brigid’s Fire.
Celebrate Lunar Imbolc & Celtic Goddess Brigid
Friday, February 9th, 2024] 7 ~ 9:30 pm
New Moon in Aquarius, Sun in Aquarius
$25 per ritual/$15 first time visit
We have come to Lunar Imbolc. The Earth is just starting to awaken from Her Winter snooze. The Sun is blessedly growing stronger each day. The seeds are starting to sprout and showing us what is emerging or to come in the Spring. If you take a drive thru the country, you’ll see the little lambs, it is their time now. Imbolc is a beautiful time.
Brigid is a Celtic Goddess celebrated at this time over much of Europe especially in Ireland. She has 3 different aspects: Goddess of poetry, learning, divination, a Goddess of Smithcraft and forging, and the Goddess of the sacred Well and the waters of healing and medicine.
We call on Brigid in all three of Her faces to help us prepare for the coming Spring. For the altar please bring a white candle in a glass container, items you are creating or healing, and any images of Brigid, and any of Her symbols: candles or anything of fire, Poetry-songs-or creative writing, a cauldron or chalice, sheep or lamb, healing herbs, and of course Fairies.
If you are interested in participating in our ritual please see our participation page. Mahalo
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