Welcome to Carnival of the Spirit
with Yeye Luisah Teish & Kahuna Leilani
In the Carnival of the Spirit workshop, we will learn how to create seasonal celebrations, personal and communal rituals, and cultivate a relationship to land, spirit and community. It is designed to strengthen your relationship to primal Earth. Kahuna Leilani Birely and Yeye Luisah Teish are blessed to be two women of color who have grown up in spiritual cultures that have survived centuries of oppression and kept regard for the Sacredness of Land intact. These remarkable women have come together to share their wisdom gained thru years of rituals, ceremonies, and a life lived in spirit and respect for our Mother Earth. We hope you enjoy the journey.
As the sessions proceed any information will be posted here about the class. There will be 4 sessions in total, each of the links will be here also. We will be sending the links via email the week before the class and sessions will not be active until the time appointed. Links to the recordings for the session will be posted here within a few days of the session.
Session 1 Homework
Please answer these questions and post them to the list: carnival-of-the-spirit@googlegroups.com
1. How do you usually celebrate spring and what does that mean for you?
2. When was your first encounter with the Sacred?
3. When did you first recognize the Sacred?
There are 2 books that are going to be used thru this course that you will need to purchase
On Holy Ground: Commitment & Devotion to Sacred Lands
By Luisah Teish & Leilani Birely
We have them available $18 or you can purchase them thru amazon:
Carnival of the Spirit: Seasonal Celebrations & Rites of Passage
by Luisah Teish
Purchase thru Amazon: $19
Sesion 1: Spring Equinox ritual Sacredness of the Earth in Spring
March 23, 2024 05:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Meeting ID: 886 2112 9780 Passcode: 639625
Session 2: Spring Equinox ritual Sacredness of the Earth in Spring
Apr 20, 2024 05:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Meeting ID: 838 4555 8303 Passcode: 204280
Session 3: Ritual celebrating the Earth as the Great Mother and a time to honor our ancestral mothers.
May 25, 2024 05:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Meeting ID: 830 2525 5383 Passcode: 867192
Session 4: Summer
Jun 29, 2024 05:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Meeting ID: 826 5358 8923 Passcode: 013731
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