Aloha Daughters of the Goddess!   Seems like at this time, in this space, more than ever weaving us together is really important.  Join us in celebrating Grandmother Spider Woman and weave the web of spiritual sisterhood.

Weaving the Web
Grandmother Spider Woman

Waning Moon in Pisces
Monday, November 11, 2024, 7:30 pm

Concord Locale, Directions given upon RSVP
$30 one-time exchange/$15 First ritual

Grandmother Spider Woman is one of the great Goddesses of the First Nations peoples of North and South America.  She is celebrated in the Pueblo, Navajo/Dine, Hopi and Cherokee tribes to name a few.  She is the common force uniting all nations, tribes, peoples within Her web.  Most believe that She is the creator of all, the source of creation.  Through Her comes the Earth, the Sun, the Moon, and the Stars.  Grandmother Spider is the giver of crafts to women, especially weaving and pottery.   She also brought the seeds of edible plants to the people.  She connects the Earth and sky, brought forward the Sun, and gave the heat, healing, and sustenance of fire. 

Please bring a candle in a glass jar or container.  For the altar, please bring any images of Grandmother Spider Woman, webs, spiders, weaving, dream catchers.  She is the giver of many womyn’s crafts such as spinning, embroidery, quilting, weaving and pottery so if any are crafty, please bring some of your gifts for the altar.  

If you are interested in participating in our ritual please see our participation page.   Mahalo


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