Aloha Daughters of the Goddess. As the Sun fades over the horizon the golden glow of Lunar Lammas embraces us. And Coventina calls us to Her sacred well. Come and celebrate Lammas and Coventina!
Celebrate Lunar Lammas &Coventina
Celtic Goddess of Water/Wells,
Healing, & New Beginnings
Monday, August 19th, 2024
7:30 ~ 9:45 p.m. Pacific time
$25 exchange/$15 newcomer first timer
rsvp/register for directions
At Lammas, also known as Lughnasadh, we see the subtle changes in the light. The evenings have a special glow as the Sun sinks below the horizon. We start shifting from the growing time to the harvest, a time when the first grains are collected. It is also a time of personal reflection and to harvest, the results of our actions and experiences, and to contemplate on that which we wish to enhance or call to us for the future. To weed out what doesn’t serve us.
Coventina is a Celtic/Briton Goddess of water. She is most known from inscriptions at a site in Northumberland, England near Carrawburgh on Hadrian’s Wall. She is a Goddess of healing, new beginnings in life, and granting of our deepest desires.
What will you ask Coventina for on this Lammas Moon? Come and join us to celebrate our Harvest, and blessed Coventina. For the altar please bring a candle in a glass container. Maybe yellow or gold to reflect the grains. Please also bring a couple of coins and one flower. If you are called any of the grains, or things made of them are always welcome on Her altar (bread, rolls, etc). Or any of Her associations: cauldron/watering bowl, cup, crescent Moon, nymphs, sacred water. Blessed be!
If you are interested in participating in our ritual please see our participation page. Mahalo
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