Aloha Daughters of the Goddess,

Start the new year with a Money Pouring ritual and bring in prosperity and abundance.  Join us to celebrate Laksmi.

Money Pouring ritual with Laksmi
Goddess of Prosperity & Abundance

Thursday, January 11th, 2024 , 7pm – 9:45pm
New Moon in Capricorn 

$25 exchange / $15 newcomer
Concord CA Locale / RSVP for directions

 The Money pouring ritual was handed down to Kahuna Leilani by Luisah Teish, our beloved spiritual elder, and has become one of our yearly celebrations. And what better time to call in wealth and bounty than at the begining of the year. If you are looking for prosperity and abundance this ritual is for you.

Laksmi is the Hindu Goddess of wealth, fortune, power, luxury, beauty, grace, and fertility. She is also known as Mahalakshmi. The wealth represented by Goddess Lakshmi is not limited to material wealth or money but also includes noble values, concentration power of the mind and the intellect, moral and ethical wealth which is needed to walk the path of realization. She sits upon a Lotus flower which is associated with purity and spiritual power. Her four arms are symbolic of the four goals of humanity: dharma (duty and righteousness), artha (wealth and material enjoyment), kama (pursuit of love and desires). moksha (liberation from the cycle of birth and death).

For this ritual please bring a wide mouthed glass jar with a tight-fitting lid, loose change, and any money drawing or prosperity oils.  Remember your wallets and checkbooks to put on the altar to charge up. Bring a candle of white, gold or silver. Bring any images of Her, and anything that represents prosperity: cinnamon, bay leaves, gold, silver. Come and join us for the money pouring and let’s walk into this coming year and calling in prosperity and abundance.

If you are interested in participating in our ritual please see our participation page.   Mahalo


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