Aloha Daughters of the Goddess!  We are moving well into the Sun of the coming Summer.  Let’s celebrate our journey into the season with Mother Goddess Hathor. 

Celebrate Egyptian Mother Goddess Hathor

Monday, June 3rd, 2024,
7:30 ~ 9:45 p.m. PST

$25 exchange/$15 newcomer first timer
rsvp/register for directions

Hathor is a celestial Goddess, The Mistress of Heaven.  Each morning, She births Her son/sun.  She watches over him as they ride in a chariot across the sky through the day.  At the setting of the son/sun he reenters the darkness of Her Sacred Womb to be born again the next day.  She is known as the Mother of Mothers and the Celestial Nurse who presides over women, fertility, children, and safe childbirth. 

Hathor is also a Goddess of the people.  She is one of the few who are prayed to for help with personal problems.  Prayers to Her are focused on the benefits that She can provide.  She is a Goddess of love, beauty, cheerfulness, music and dance.  Semiprecious stones are Her realm, as they are often used for adornment and prayer.  Eating, drinking, dancing, and music are part of Her festivals.  One of Her titles is the Mistress of Music and Dance.  The Sistrum is a big part of Her celebrations. 

Come and join us in a celebration of this dynamic Goddess.  For the altar bring a white candle (for the moon) or a yellow candle (the Sun): any images of Her, or the bull, Sun, Moon & Stars.  She also loves flowers, especially yellow or white ones.

If you are interested in participating in our ritual please see our participation page.   Mahalo


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