Our Temple
Daughters of the GoddessWomyn’s Temple
Merry Meet and Welcome to Daughters of the Goddess! We are a community of womyn, a tradition of Dianic, Goddess-centered, earth-based spirituality, and a ritual circle.
Daughters of the Goddess, a Northern California circle, was birthed on Summer Solstice 1996 by Kahuna Leilani Birely, who manifested the circle as part of her vision to bring Goddess to every womyn. Leilani was ordained as High Priestess by Z Budapest in 1998 at the Goddess Festival in La Honda, CA.
Our vision is that all will one day remember Her name. Our mission is to raise up womyn; to empower womyn—through the use of ritual, magick, and intention—to make changes in their lives and the lives of those around them. We provide a safe space for womyn to explore themselves and Goddess in Her Many Guises. Honoring all cultures, we strive to preserve and perpetuate Goddess culture and ceremony by celebrating the changing of the seasons, full, dark and new moons, and many ancient cultural and Goddess holydays.
We honor Goddess as She comes to us through the filters of our many different cultures and traditions. From Laka to Artemis, Baba Yaga to Bast, Lakshmi to Yemaya, we celebrate the wisdom of all Goddesses and Ancestors. Some of us are just now discovering Her, others have been practicing deep magick in Her name for more than 30 years. But even those who have danced with Goddess for decades will find plenty to feed their hearts and minds.
We are led by our Kahuna, but we do not follow the patriarchal system in which a leader has power over the rest of the circle. We operate on a model of “power within” in which each womyn contributes and shares in the creation and vision of our magickal intentional community.
Daughters of the Goddess warmly welcomes womyn of all ages, racial and ethnic backgrounds, and economic and educational levels. We are very serious about bringing Goddess into our lives, but we are also a group of wild womyn who know how to have fun and dance a merry dance with Her!
Daughters of the Goddess
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