The last time we gathered we sat around an altar lit with Laksmi’s light and love.  Our sisters danced and sang as we prepared for the money pouring ritual that was taught to us by Chief Luisah Teish.  It was such a fun and beautiful night that felt so ancient and pure.  Let us call on Sedna, the Mother of the Deep Ocean, to guide us out of the darkness and into the growing Sun in our Shamanic Sedna Ritual.

Calling Sedna of the Deep

Monday, January 22nd, 2024
7 – 9:45 p.m. in person
Waxing Moon in Cancer

Concord Locale, directions given upon RSVP
$25 exchange/$15 first time newcomers

Sedna’s story is many layered but, in all accounts.  She was assaulted by Her father who severed her fingers while trying to hold onto the canoe and was thrown overboard.   From Her finger’s the seals, whales, fish, and other sea mammals were created.  A Great Sea Goddess for the Inuit, She is healed and empowered through the combing of Her hair by Shamanic practitioners who would go down into the ocean, find Her, massage Her sore limbs and comb Her hair.  They will do this for Sedna until She is comforted.

How can these experiences be turned into tools of empowerment as Sedna’s own fingers became the whales, dolphins, and seals of the Ocean?   Allow the energy of combing your hair to heal and create waves of splendor in your world.

For the Shamanic Sedna Ritual please bring a candle of any color of the Ocean, wear Ocean colors and bring a favored comb or brush.

If you are interested in participating in our ritual please see our participation page.   Mahalo


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