Aloha Daughters of the Goddess!  Zoom into Spring!  We’ll also meet in person for those in the San Francisco Bay Area.  Join us for our Spring Equinox ritual.

I hope Winter’s lessons have been enriching and didn’t take too much a toll on you!  I know it was a roller coaster ride for me with all sorts of things!  Let’s make some time to touch base and catch up.  This will be a zoom/hybrid in person ritual.

Celebrate Spring Equinox

Monday, March 18, 2024  ~  7-8:30 p.m. Pacific time
Zoom and in person ritual!

$25 exchange/$15 newcomer first timer
RSVP/register for zoom link/directions

Enjoy the company of sisters planting seeds for peace and for what you want to grow this season.  Bring an egg of any kind for the altar, it can be a real egg boiled or raw or a plastic, glass or ceramic one.  The egg symbolizes the rebirth of nature, and the potential of life full of promise.  Also bring flowers for the altar.  For those participating on Zoom, please have some a seed (or a few) you’d like to plant and a container to plant them in.  Wear something that represents Spring to you.

If you are interested in participating in our ritual please see our participation page.   Mahalo


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