Daughters of the GoddessTestimonials
Daughters of the Goddess is an Aloha-Dianic, Female-only Goddess Temple located in Concord California. The following are testimonials from our visitors about their experience with us. If you are interested in visiting us or joining us for future events click on the button below for more information.
Shannon ~
There are many areas of spiritual growth that I had longed for over the years. It’s difficult to navigate real and miss information in our digital world. Under the guidance of Daughters of the Goddess run by Kahuna Leilani, I was guided through achieving my goals into direct sources of valuable information.
Janelle ~
Daughters of the Goddess has become not just a place to circle with friends but also my second family. My very first ritual was Spiral Dance in 2003. I was taking an anthropology class at Diablo Valley College and one of our assignments was to visit, and write about an experience with a religious group or ceremony that we have never experienced before. The professor gave us a few examples and from the moment I heard “Daughters of the Goddess” come out of her mouth I was intrigued. I went to the Spiral Dance by myself and can honestly say I never felt alone, or self-conscious, or judged. So many beautiful, real womyn approached me, even Leilani – the High Priestess took time to come over and chat with me. I couldn’t believe that this powerful womyn who was in charge of this event made an effort to talk to a complete stranger, she wasn’t “too busy.”
I had some huge life changes that I let prevent me from coming back to Daughters of the Goddess for a few years but I never forgot about them. Leilani even emailed from time to time to check in on me. I remember my first ritual back, Summer Solstice. I was once again by myself and once again, instantly made to feel like I was part of the group. I was greeted with smiles and hugs from everyone. It felt so right and perfect. When we checked in I told my story of how I came to this path and I remember crying. I felt held and supported by the womyn, and not judged for being so emotional. These womyn didn’t know me but I really felt like they cared.
I have now been with Daughters of the Goddess for two years and have loved every part/minute of it. Attending Witch School was huge for me. It explained ethics, how to focus more on my own spirituality, how to become intimate with the elements and how to call in the directions. The list goes on and on. I felt that it helped me understand more about Daughters of the Goddess and encouraged my spirit to want to delve deeper into the group. It’s such an amazing feeling to be part of a family and contribute in so many ways, spiritually, mentally, physically and emotionally. And I continue to be held in such a sacred way. I’ve always known the Goddess was in my heart and it’s nice to share this walk on Her path with such amazing womyn while we dance together farther into our spirituality.
Tiara ~
It was through many dreams, ancestral callings, and my na’au that lead me to Kahuna Leilani. I came to her on my own journey to become a healer, but even healers need their own healing. Kahuna Leilani and Daughters of the Goddess helped me feel both nurtured and exhilarated in my ability to connect with spirit. Kahuna Leilani has a special energy that even just sitting next to her, you feel more empowered and open hearted. Knowing her and working with her as a teacher, guide, and friend has been sacred. I feel blessed to have created ritual and magic along side her.
Ava Park, Presiding Priestess and all the members of The Goddess Temple of Orange County ~
“Our utmost gratitude and respect to one of the most beautiful and wise teachers we have ever experienced. We were so fortunate to have had Leilani appear to teach, lead ritual and dance at The Goddess Temple of Orange County many times over a fifteen year period … and Leilani was always everyone’s favorite. Her exquisite energy was palpable and a blessing to all each time. May she live, teach, and offer her eternal woman’s wisdom for many, many years! –
Love, Ava
Dani ~
Kahuna Leilani is a light to her community and to the hearts of women seeking a deeper understanding of the many faces of feminine divinity. Rituals are inclusive, joyful, beautiful and heart centered. Thank you for the connection and sacred space you facilitate and honor!
Debi ~
It is so wonderful being in a community of womyn who gather together to empower and build up womyn rather than tear them down. It is so refreshing being with womyn who are all coming together to heal our past and redefine ourselves based on what is in our hearts and souls.
I love being in a community of womyn who know and honor the Divine Feminine and who recognize Her in themselves. Our world has been out of balance for a while. The Earth is calling to be healed, the womyn, children and communities need to be healed. When womyn come together in sacred space that natural healing ability is called forth. Now more than ever the womyn need to come together; come together for our sisters, our selves, and ultimately our world.
Daughters of the Goddess is the place that I have found that I can do this and for that I am grateful.
Divina ~
In June, I reached six years of circling with Daughters of the Goddess. I’ve learned many wonderful chants and songs that I have taken in to my own solitary work. I’ve learned a lot about the directions, candle magic, the cycles of the Wheel of the Year, and spellwork.
There are so many things I look forward to. The candle exchange at Winter Solstice, and for that matter, the creative time we gather where we decorate those candles. Dedication is a favorite time of mine. I love wearing my white cord proudly around my waste. I love lighting the Temple Sacred Flames on my designated days. I feel powerful, like I’m doing something to contribute to the temple somehow.
I love calling in the directions. It’s so thrilling to watch a new womyn, perhaps a bit shy, open up in the safe, supportive, encouraging environment of the temple.
There’s never any pressure. No one ever has to do anything they don’t want to do. I love witnessing and being in agreement as each womyn goes to the altar and speaks her prayers to the Goddess. Drumming has become my favorite way to help hold the space, as well as our humming while directions are called. As a disabled woman, I have had many accommodations and much loving support. Women always dance me around the circle. I can’t promise we don’t bump in to things, but it’s a lesson in life to not take ourselves so seriously!
Sometimes when the ritual is of a visual nature, such as an occasion when we had to cut links from a chain, make a Corn Doll, or plant a seed, I have always done it with someone, NOT had it done for me. It’s a team effort.
My vision is to become a Priestess dedicated to Womynkind. I am grateful to have discovered Daughters of the Goddess. As one of my own original chants says, “may every womyn rise up and call Her name. We are daughters of the Goddess, we are sisters in Her flame.” May you hear and heed Her call!
Tami ~
My first experience with Daughters of the Goddess was at the annual Spiral Dance in 2006. For a long time I had been looking for a place that felt like my spiritual home and as soon as I first walked into this event I knew I would be back to learn more about this amazing group of women.
Now almost 5 years later I am still here. It has been an amazing journey for me, from being new and shy and never having experienced a Dianic community, to becoming a Temple Priestess on March 11th, 2011. I have had so many opportunities to grown and learn here. Starting with my year of Witch School in 2007, which was transformational in my life, to becoming more involved in Temple service through Kokua (the helping hands of the Temple). I have learned to find my strengths and work with them. I have Deepened my spiritual practice through the practice of regular ritual and becoming a member of The Sisterhood of the Deepening.
I have found a beautiful Sisterhood of women and a community that I can always turn to during the good times and the bad. We laugh together, cry together, celebrate together, and call the Goddess into our lives. This Temple has truly been a blessing my my life. I hope to continue to worship and serve here for many more years to come.
Danielle ~
When I recall my first Daughters of the goddess ritual, my face softens, a contemplative smile comes to my mouth, my heart opens, and a small, happy song emerges from my throat; the kind of sound that we make when we think about the sweetest parts of our lives. I close my eyes and the images flow in.
I remember the first womyn who greeted me at my car saying, “Welcome Sister!” as she offered my young daughters and I a gentle hug. That night my life changed dramatically. I saw womyn greet the elements of Air, Fire, Earth, and Water that make up their bodies. I heard womyn share their stories with others who lovingly, and with interest, allowed them the space to be heard, to be supported, and to be acknowledged. I heard songs that glorified the Goddess and the creative essence of womyn. I was deeply moved. I was home.
Daughters of the Goddess Temple is a sacred space where the natural cycles of womyn’s lives, the seasons of the Earth, and the ever changing moon are greeted and celebrated with joy. It is a place where the ancestors, those who have lived and died before us, are recognized and honored as valuable and integral to our lives in present times.
Many years have elapsed since my first ritual and much has changed. My youngest daughter no longer suckles at my breasts and my oldest daughter is on her way to college. Today and every day I pray at the altar of the Goddess. I celebrate that all womyn are made in Her image. I sing the songs of womyn’s freedom, passion, power, and independence. I dance around the fire.
I am whole – I am home.
Kealoha ~
Daughters of the Goddess Temple has felt like my home and family since I walked into the doors of my first Spiral Dance. The Temple has changed my life and made me a better womyn. I am more confident and have better self-esteem because of the love and care of the community and High Priestess Leilani. I have become highly reverent and have learned how to walk on Mother Earth. I have created a daily practice to bring me closer to the Great Mother Goddess.
Tanya ~
As a 23-year-old young womyn I was blessed with a womyn’s temple to be part of. My mother died one year before my first Goddess Circle. About a year later Daughters of the Goddess was born. As the years have passed many circumstances have changed. There has been triumph, defeat, pain, victory, bliss and loss – all the while what remained the same, constant embracing me is this Temple. I have deep gratitude for the hundreds of womyn whose hands I have held in circle. I know I have received healing and strength from the rituals and I have given from my heart also.
I grew up in a house of five females, so womyn’s space feels natural to me. Daughters of the Goddess is a source of empowerment and exhilaration in my life. I am forever grateful.
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