Compassion sometimes is difficult to attain, especially for ourselves. Enlightenment is something that many strive for. White Tara assists us on the road to both. Opening our hearts and minds to the essence of the freedom of compassionate care of all. Join us in our White Tara ritual.
When the 1000 White Taras are named,
the tone on the planet will shift from one of fear to one of compassion.
Compassion Ritual with Tara
Monday, February 26th, 2024 ~ In Person
7pm – 9:45pm ~ Moon in Libra
$25 exchange / $15 newcomer
RSVP for ritual locale & directions
O Ke Aloha Ka Mea I Ho’ola Ai
Compassion is the Healer, Love is the Giver of Life
White Tara, Tibetan Goddess of Compassion and Mercy, welcomes us to Her celebration of Peace and Healing. She teaches us about personal responsibility, peace, and compassion. White Tara is connected to longevity, and also helps Her devotees’ overcome obstacles, particularly impediments to the practice of religion. What are your personal daily practices of peace, compassion, and personal responsibility?
We will be making our prayers and directing our magick for the peace and healing of ourselves, our loved ones, and the World by coming into harmony with ourselves, our Sisters and the Universe. Please bring pictures or symbols of those people, groups or places that need healing and compassion at this time.
Join us for our White Tara ritual. Please bring a white candle as well as any images of White Tara, and offerings of fruit and flowers for the altar. Her special symbol is the Lotus. Your drums, rattles, chimes and bells are particularly invited to come with you to this ceremony!
If you are interested in participating in our ritual please see our participation page. Mahalo
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